Booking information

Booking information

You can book your tour or accommodation with Lost Generation 1914-18 in a couple of different ways, either by filling in the booking form online, emailing us on [email protected] with any questions or by ringing us directly on the following numbers -

01405 861675 - UK office

079 1914 18 08 - UK mobile

0033 322 757203 - French office from within the UK

0033 666 344486 - French mobile from within the UK

Deposits and Payments

We will request a £50.00 per person deposit when you book your tour with us with further payments as per the schedule below -

  • 50% per person payable - 4 weeks prior to the date of travel.
  • Balance payable upon arrival.
  • For accommodation only guests we request a £10 per person per night deposit payable at the time of booking, balance is payable at the end of your stay.

Lt Henry Webber aged 67 is believed to be the oldest man to die in the Great war, he is buried in Dartmoor Cemetery on the Somme

Lt Henry Webber